Tips in popular leagues (0)


Name Start Date End Date Price Pool Sponsored By
Tipster of Round 13 EPL Nov 25,2023 - Nov 28,2023 5000Ksh
Name Start Date End Date Sponsored By
Tipster of the month Dec 01,2015 - Dec 31,2015
Premier League Aug 08,2015 - May 15,2016
Tipster of the year Jan 01,2015 - Dec 31,2015
Tipster of the month Nov 01,2015 - Nov 30,2015
Tipster of the month Jan 01,2016 - Jan 31,2016
Tipster of the day Oct 01,2022 - Oct 01,2022
Tipster of the weekend Oct 08,2022 - Oct 08,2022